
I am Nizam

Student of Batch-7

Module-17: Introduction to Javascript

Video 17-0 : What matters in this milestone

Video 17-1 : Introduction to JavaScript, Run JavaScript in VSCode

Brendoan Eich in 1995 JavaScript established

JavaScript is a high level, interpreted programming language used to make web pages more interactive. It let’s you implement complex and beautiful things/design on web pages.

Video 17-2 : Math Needed to start learning Programming Language

            1. number =⇒ 55, 898, -32
            2. integer, odd, even: 2, 5,
            3. float: decimal: 2.5, 13.67, 32.69
            4. Operation : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder
            5. Percent
            6. average
            7. Comparison: >, <,==, ≠,≥, ≤
            8. Oikik neom: 2 kilo appleand 5 kilo mango==What?
            9. 45, 25, 68, 129, 2: max, min, avarage, sum
            10. series:


              1. Prime
              2. Permutation

Video 17-3 : What is variable, five things you need to declare a variable

Numeric variable⇒⇒ var age=29; var person = "nizam"==> Sring; var age = 29;==numeric

17-4 Variable type, Numeric, String, Boolean

For more word variable=⇒ var name- “alia bhat” or ‘alia vhat’ or var name =”anderkilla bandorban” this is clled string
Boolean variable=⇒ true/false, var serious = true; var singal = false;

Video 17-5 : JavaScript Keyword, Variable name naming convention

1. variable name can not be any keywords=⇒ var false=96
2. variable name has to be in one word no space.: var my home address=?
3. variable name can not have quotation
4. variable name not starts with a number but can ends with a number
snake case⇒ user_home_address, camal case== userHomeAddress, pascal case=⇒ UserHomeAddress

Video 17-6 : Simple Mathematical operations in JavaScript

var onionPrice = 20;

var eggPrice = 10;

consil.log(onionPrice + eggPrice) = 30;==>Operations

Video 17-7 : (advanced) Mathematical operation shorthand

            var tomatoPrice = 25; if change value=⇒ tomatoPrice = 30

          // add something to the previous value

          shorthand: price1 += 10 ===price1= price1+10

Video 17-8 : (advanced) String Concatenation, type conversion parseInt parseFloat

write for space parseInt==for convert number to string or string to number parsefloat for vognaongsho

Video 17-9 Variable types, toFixed, parseFloat and remainder

search Google JavaScript data typing

Video 17-10 : Module Summary and Practice Problem


Q1: What is Javascript (Just google: wikipedia javascript and read first four paragraphs)
Ans: All the above

Q2: Which one is not a type of variable?
Ans: bulbuli

Q3: Which method is used to convert a string to an integer?
Ans: parseint()

Q4: Which company developed JavaScript? (feel free to google it)
Ans: Netscape

Q5: Which one is not a mathematical operator in JS?
Ans: \

Q6: What does it mean by writing two plus signs after a number type variable?
Ans: Increase the value by 1

Q7: If you have a var age = 21; and then you write age += 8; now what will be the value of the variable age?
Ans: 29

Q8: Which one is an acceptable variable name?
Ans: user9

Q9: What will be the output of the code: console.log(17%5)
Ans: 2

Q10: Which method is used to lowercase all the characters in a string in javascript? (if needed google it)
Ans: toLowerCase();


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