Q1: What is an event in JavaScript?
Ans: Events are actions or occurrences that happen in the system you are programming, which the system tells you about so your code can react to them.
Q2: Which one is not a mouse event in Javascript? (please google: types of mouse events in javascript)
Ans: onmousesleep
Q3: When should you create a function?
Ans: All the above
Q4: Which one is true?
Ans: You should not use the same id for multiple elements
Q5: Which one is true?
Ans: You can pass a value or a variable as a parameter
Q6: Do you always have to return something from a function?
Ans: Return is optional. Based on the function you may or may not use the return.
Q7: How will you hide extra text or content that goes outside of the area? (You can’t forget CSS.)
Ans: overflow:hidden
Q8: What is true? (i wont tell what to google. Please think about the question and find the right words to google)
Ans: All the above
Q9: What will event.target refers to inside the event listener?
Ans: The element on which the event happened
Q10: How will you get the $ symbol of the tag h1 $00 (think about it)
Ans: By adding a span for $ and setting an id