Digital Watch

Module 54 Practice

Video 54-1 Module Introduction, simple react router setup

Video 54-2 (interesting) Nested route and outlet for shared content

Video 54-3 Avoid reload using Link and Load data on route

Video 54-4 Display users, create dynamic link with route parameter

Video 54-5 React route parameter and load data based on dynamic route

Video 54-6 (Recap) Dynamic Data loader and navigate on button click

Video 54-7 Active route, Loading Spinner and Not Found

Video 54-8 Module Summary and Recap React Route for Rest Countries


Q1: What does a 404 mean to a web developer? (google it)
Ans: The page or path you are trying to access is not available

Q2: Why will you need a router for your app?
Ans: So that you can show a specific component based on the current route

Q3: How will you import a createBrowserRouter from React Router Dom?
Ans: import{createBrowserRouter} from "react-router-dom"

Q4: Which props will you set on the RouterProvider? <RouterProvider ____?___ = {router}/>
Ans: router

Q5: const router = createBrowserRouter([ { path: 'about', element: <About></About> }, { path: '*', element: <NotFound/> } ]); If you hit http://localhost:3000/abut which component will you see?
Ans: <NotFound/>

Q6: Which is true about <Outlet/>?
Ans: All of the above

Q7: How will you set a dynamic part (path parameter) named id, under the user route? { path: “ ? “, element: <UserDetails/> }
Ans: /user/:id

Q8: Which router hook provides the value returned from your route loader?
Ans: useLoaderData

Q9: Which of the following hook of react-router-dom will allow you to navigate programmatically to a different route?
Ans: useNavigate()

Q10: const router = createBrowserRouter([ { path: 'about', element: <About></About> }, { path:'/product/:productId',loader: async (____?____) =>{return fetch(url)},element:<ProductDetails/> }, ]) What will you pass to the loader async function to parse the dynamic part of the current URL?
Ans: {params}

The End

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