Module 2 Practice
Video 2-1 : What is CSS, syntax, Inline, internal and external css
What is CSS, Syntax, Inline, Internal and External CSS
CSS= Cascading Style Sheet
Purpose make website colorful
- embaded or internal style
- inline style
- External style
Video 2-2 : Color, Measuring Unit, font size, font-weight, height, width, alignment
Color, Measuring Unit, font size, font-weight, height, width, alignment:
Video 2-3 : Simple CSS selectors, id, class, tag, universal, ID vs class
Simple CSS selectors, id, class, tag, universal, ID vs class:
Video 2-5 Border, border radius, margin, width, different ways to set margin
**Border, border radius, margin, width, different ways to set margin:**
border: width-style-color= shorthand
Margin= 10px== All side; margin=10px 20px==top+bottom===left+right
Margin⇒ top right bottm left
When 3 values⇒ top left/right left
margin= 10px 20px 30px 40px== top right bottom left
Video 2-6 : CSS Box model, Margin, padding, border, content, height, width
**CSS Box model, Margin, padding, border, content, height, width:**
padding is internal and margin is external
Video 2-7 : Inline, internal and external css
Inline, Internal and External CSS:
Video 2-8: Background image, repeat, position, size, relative image path
Background image, repeat, position, size, relative image path.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum neque aliquid aperiam aut sequi ad, sed possimus laboriosam nobis consequuntur?
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit cumque excepturi, quas rem accusamus rerum repudiandae mollitia ipsam inventore, esse totam, ex voluptates voluptatem voluptatum error temporibus nihil hic vitae aliquam distinctio eos minus! Labore aperiam non possimus rem architecto eum autem ducimus nulla eligendi, debitis mollitia amet veritatis adipisci.
Module o1
Video 2-9 : Display none, inline, block, inline-block, attribute selector, decoration, shadow
**Display none, Inline, block, inline-block, attribute selector, decoration, shadow.** text-decoration: underline/dashed/line-through/overline wavy green; Inline elements: strong, anchor, ul li {color: purple; display: inline;} span { border: 1px solid purple} inline element not taking width but taking margin top if gives display: block and taking height.==inline-block. .block{ background-color: pero; box-shadow: 50px 50px gray} Sereach google: CSS box shadow mdn
Video 2-10: Basic CSS Summary, Mission, Goal
**Basic CSS Summary, Mission, Goal.** Types of CSS: 1. Inline css (Use style=”” attribute) 2. Internal CSS ( use <style> tag to write) 3. External css9 use .css file to write). Name color, hexa decimal color, rgb, rgba color. 5 Selector: 1. Universal selector * 2. Element selector= p, h1 3. id selector = start # 4. class selector =start . 5. attribute selector: input, sodu, etc. Margin 2 value= top-bottom, left-right; value top, left+right, bottm values top right bottom left padding is same format Box model margin, padding, border, width… content.