Welcome to Complete Web Development Course With Jhankar Mahbub, Milstone 03, Module-12 Practice Section, I am Nizam Batch 07.

Module-12 Practice

Video 12-0 What matters in this milestone

Video 12-1 Getting started with bootstrap

Video 12-2 Insider view of Bootstrap and use background classes

Video 12-3 Background spacing margin and padding

Video 12-4 Shadow width height overflow display

Video 12-5 Button image table multiple styles

I am not a header just a p tag

I am not a header just a p tag

I am not a header just a p tag

Video 12-6 Create a image slider, carousel using bootstrap

Video 12-7 Website card, card design, card image, card group

Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Card title

This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This card has even longer content than the first to show that equal height action.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Video 12-8 Create a responsive navbar using bootstrap

Video 12-9 Overview of Bootstrap components

Video 12-10 When to use Bootstrap and module summary


Q1: Which is not true? (feel free to google it)
Ans: Bootstrap is a programming Language.

Q2: What are the components that Bootstrap provides?
Ans: A set CSS and Javascripts components

Q3: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to create a button?
Ans: .btn

Q4: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to create a container?
Ans: .container

Q5: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to add a margin to the right of an element? (where * can be any number between 0 and 5, representing the size of the margin.)
Ans: .me-*

Q6: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to remove all padding from an element?
Ans: .p-0

Q7: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to change the background color of a navbar? ( where * can be any one of the Bootstrap's predefined color classes such as primary, secondary, success, danger, etc. )
Ans: .bg-*

Q8: What is the class name used in Bootstrap to hide an element's overflow?
Ans: .overflow:headen

Q9: Which class will you use to set margin auto to the left side in bootstrap 5?
Ans: .ms-auto

Which bootstrap class will you use to give primary colour to a paragraph?