
I am Nizam

Student of Batch-7

Digital Watch

Module-43 Practice

Video 43-1 Module overview, Dev tool overview, settings, shortcut keys

Video 43-2 Element tab, HTML event listener, accessibility list

Video 43-3 Console tab, preserve log, log levels, console api

Video 43-4 Sources tab, breakpoint, call stack, event break

Video 43-5 More devtool features performance, memory, security

Video 43-6 Debug Insta Shohor Fix profile pic

Video 43-7 Fix Post Description text

Video 43-8 Show Comment User name issue and fix heart reaction

Video 43-9 Solve Issues on the Liked and reported posts page

Liked posts

Reported posts


Q1: The Keyboard Shortcut for clearing console in chrome dev tool is-
Ans: ctrl + L

Q2: What does SSL stand for? (Google it if needed)-
Ans: Secure Sockets Layer

Q3: <button id="btn">Click</button>The shortcut for selecting the button element in the chrome browser console is -
Ans: $("#btn")

Q4: What does XHR stand for?
Ans: XML HTTP request

Q5: What console method will you call to see array data in a table?
Ans: console.table

Q6: Which of the following are chrome dev tool breakpoints?
Ans: DOM breakpoint, Event listener breakpoint, XHR breakpoint

Q7: What is console ?
Ans: An object

Q8: How to show a warning in console ?
Ans: console.warn()

Q9: Where we can see our code in dev tool?
Ans: Source Tab

Q10: What is a chrome dev tool?
Ans: Collection of web development tools integrated into Google chrome browser

The End