Digital Watch

Module 40 Practice

Video 40-1 What is debugging and common types of errors

Video 40-2 Understand syntax errors messages

Video 40-3 Understand Reference errors and Type errors messages

Video 40-4 Debug and fix syntax error from Shopping list

Video 40-5 Fix reference and type errors from shopping list

Video 40-6 Money Master reference and query selector error ( part 1)

Video 40-7 Money Master debugging fix id and value error ( part 2)

Video 40-8 Money Master debugging fix balance and remaining ( part 3)

Video 40-9 Module Summary and Interview questions


Q1: What type of error is commonly caused by referencing a variable or function that has not been defined?
Ans: ReferenceError

Q2: What type of error is commonly caused by trying to perform an operation on a value that is not of the expected type?
Ans: TypeError

Q3: What type of error is commonly caused by trying to access an array element that does not exist? (try to google it)
Ans: RangeError

Q4: What type of error is commonly caused by trying to call a function that does not exist?
Ans: ReferenceError

Q5: What type of error will the following code throw? const num = 10; num();
Ans: TypeError

Q6: What type of error will the following code snippet produce? let x = 10; x = y + 5; console.log(x);
Ans: ReferenceError

Q7: What type of error will the following code snippet produce? const obj = { name: 'John' }; Object.keys(obj).forEach(prop => console.log(prop));
Ans: None of the above

Q8:What type of error will the following code snippet produce? const name = 'John'; name.toUpperCase = () => 'JOHN'; console.log(name.toUpperCase());
Ans: None of the above

Q9:What type of error will the following code snippet produce? const arr = [1, 2, 3]; arr.slice(-2, 0);
Ans: RangeError

Q10:What type of error will the following code snippet produce? const greeting = 'Hello, world!';
Ans: None of the above

The End

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