
I am Nizam

Student of Batch-7

Module-31 Practice

Video 31-0 What matters in this milestone

Video 31-1 Recap of DOM Manipulation and event handler


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Eius porro vel quibusdam quia?


Voluptates quisquam tempora aliquid temporibus.


Architecto suscipit asperiores laudantium molestias!


Reiciendis porro delectus magnam eos.

Video 31-2: ES6 Intro difference between var, Let and const

Video 31-3 Function default parameter for not provided values

Video 31-4 Template string, multiple line string, dynamic string

Video 31-5 Arrow function, multiple parameter, function bod

Video 31-6 More Arrow functions and big arrow function

Video 31-7 Spread operator, array max, copy arrays

Video 31-8 (advanced) Object and Array Destructuring

Video 31-8 31-9 Module Summary and Practice Problems


Q1: How will you add 25 as the first element of the array? const numbers = [45, 12, 36, 84]
Ans: unshift()

Q2: What would be the output? function getSum(a, b=9){return a+b;} console.log(getSum(2, 7));
Ans: 9

Q3: What will be the value of z? const y = x => x*x; const z = y(5);
Ans: 25

Q4: const name = 'Hero';
const greetings = 'Welcome Home!'+' '+name; Re-write the greetings variable using ES6 template literals to print Welcome Home! Hero.
Ans: const greetings = `Welcome Home! ${name}`;

Q5: Choose the correct answer about ES6 template string from the following options.
Ans: All of the above

Q6: How can you declare an arrow function with no parameters?(Ask google mama.)
Ans: const myFunc = () => console.log('Nayok!');

Q7: const division= num1, num2 => console.log(num1 /num2)
If you call the above function division(4,2) , what will you get in the console?
Ans: Syntax error

Q8: const nayikas=['mousumi' , 'popy' ,'shabnur', 'purnima' ]. How can you make a copy of nayikas using a spread operator?
Ans: const array2 = [...nayikas]

Q9: How will you get the biggest number? const numbers=[10,20,30, ]
Ans: Math.max(...numbers)

Q10:What would be the value of newCars?
const cars=['toyota', 'honda','mercedes'];
cons newCars= [ , 'ferrari'];
Ans: ['toyota', 'honda', 'marcendes', 'ferrari'


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