
I am Nizam

Student of Batch-7

Assalamualaikum! Welcome to Milstone-06, Module-34 Practice Section, I am Nizam, Student of Batch 07.

Video 34-1 Basic API recap with kanye west


Kanye Famous Quotes

Video 34-2 Handle Random user with nested API data

Looking for Bideshini





Video 34-3 International travel, display country name, capital

Video 34-4 (advanced) Call dynamic API, load dynamic data to display

All Countries

Video 34-6 Display dynamic search result using bootstrap cards

Video 34-7 (advanced) Create dynamic url based on click and display modal

Video 34-8 handle fetch error, use try catch and async await

Video 34-9 Module Summary and home work

The Meals


Q1: const bondCode=` I am Fake James bond . My new code is: 00${7+1+2}`
If Fake James gives you the bondCode variable and tells you to find the code in javascript , what will you get?
Ans: 0010

Q2: const data={ result: [ {userName: {title:'Mr.',name:"sakib khan"} } ] } How would you access "sakib khan" ?
Ans: data.result[0]

Q3: Which array method will you use to obtain an array containing the cubes of array p? const p=[1,2,3]; const q=p.__?__( n=> Math.pow(n, 3));
Ans: map

Q4: How will you make the url dynamic using the food variable?
const url = `{food}`
Ans: Use${food} instead of {food}

Q5: How to set image src dynamically?
const path = "";
const div= document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = ``;

Ans: ${path}

Q6: What is textContent in javascript? ( google it and read the wikipedia page)
Ans: All the text contents of a node and all its decendants

Q7: Which one is not a data type in JSON? ( google it )
Ans: undefined

Q8: How will you dynamically pass the name variable as a parameter to the loadDetail function?
Ans: "`/div onclick="loadDetais(${name})">Biriyani /div`"

Q9: How will you handle the error? fetch(url) .then(res=>res.json()) .then(data => console.log(data) .__?__(error => console.log(error))
Ans: catch

Q10:Which one is a proper output? const array = { hobbies: ["dancing", "singing", "acting"] }; console.log(JSON.stringify(array));
Ans: {"hobbies":[dancing",singing",acting"]}